Steps to Recharge a Pump Pressure System
Remember to check the following components to the left regularly: fluid levels; damper assembly and sensitivity; inspect gauge protector for cracks, cuts, dents, leaks; inspect hose connections; and inspect gauge for broken glass, loos pointers and loose knobs.
Step One: Remove the cap from check valve on the diaphragm protector.
Step Two: Attach aluminum hand pump to the check valve. Do not tighten swivel completely.
Step Three: Fill the hand pump reservoir with Crown’s red hydraulic fluid.
Step Four: Push on the hand pump plunger to move the hydraulic fluid towards the system. Air bubbles will emerge between the hand pump and check valve.
Step Five: Once you see a small amount of fluid coming out of the connection, completely tighten swivel to the check valve. There should be no bubbles coming out of the connection at this point.
Step Six: Remove the 1/8 pip plug in the gauge, making sure to tape the thread with Teflon tape.
Step Seven: Turn diaphragm protector upside down so that you can see the diaphragm.
Step Eight: Pump hydraulic fluid into the system until the rubber collapses its sides together approximately 38 PSI. The diaphragm sides will be just touching each other.
Step Nine: Remove the hand pump from the check valve.
Step Ten: Replace the check valve cap.
Still Have Questions about How to Recharge a Pump Pressure System?
After watching the video, if you still have questions, give us a call. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have about how to recharge a pump pressure system. Need any of the items in this video: recharge kit (CRK100), diaphragm protector (CD106), diaphragm cup (CD200) aluminum hand pump (CH103-1), or hydraulic fluid (CW15)? Email us at, and we’ll write up a quick quote for you.